Easter Weekend Camp

For Easter 2014 we continued our recent tradition of camping at Maleny over the long weekend. Unlike previous years, we were in our motorhome, rather than a tent! This was also a family get together, with my parents, 3 sisters and their families. It was a nice enjoyable time, with absolutely beautiful weather the whole time.

Rather than joining the traffic logjam to the Sunshine Coast Fri morning, along with every other holiday maker, we headed off Thurs night arriving at Maleny a bit after 9pm. This is not something we would typically do when tenting, as setting up tents in the dark is generally painful, but the motorhome makes it so easy. Tim and Amy arrive 1pm Fri after spending nearly 3 hours on the road (almost double our time)! Everyone took the opportunity to sit around and watch Tim set-up the tent….

Watching Tim setup the tent….

Unlike previous years we also camped up the top, near the rest of family, rather than down the flats near the creek. Turned out to be a nice way to spend the weekend, not that we had any alternative options in a non-4wd motorhome!

Looking Back

The campfire was kept going every morning and night, with plenty of wood on-hand. Dad had also built a rocket stove out of besser blocks, which was used for a lot of the cooking. A lot of heat for a small amount of wood out of that thing!

The rocket stove

Due to recent rain the creek was up higher than normal. Made it difficult to get in-behind the waterfall! Water temperature was cool, but not enough to keep us out of the water! Well, except the sooks that is…..

Paddling around
That waterfall looks like it would be a fun ride….
Did she or didn’t she???

Just in case the mass of chocolate to come wasn’t going to be enough for the taste buds, a trip to the lolly shop at Montville was required…!

Jonathan & Daniel with Grandma

The Easter hunt seems to be getting bigger each year! A ridiculous amount of chocolate this year….. but the kids had fun! Even though Daniel distributed most of them, it was still just as much fun refinding them…..!

Preparing to start! Note the fancy collection bowls…..
Tough find that one Daniel!
Enough eggs for a day there Andrew?
Oh dear…
This is getting ridiculous…
The big kids
Redistribution of the spoils. Anna had gone home by now, so no legal contracts required. Mum was doing something else so we didn’t have to get the scales out to ensure precise fairness/equality!
Its supposed to go in your mouth Jimmy….

Dad and I spent a bit of time going over our motorhome and working out various things – exciting stuff such as how the dual batteries are wired up, where all the electrical cabling goes, how the fridge is wired up and why it mightn’t be as efficient as it could be etc etc. I also rigged up a simple stabilising system to minimise rocking in the motorhome, but will write separate posts for this stuff.

A wild storm knocked over a huge leopard tree a few months ago (which surprisingly is still growing on its side). The kids loved playing/climbing around in it!

So we went walking, swimming, climbing, flew remote control planes, practiced whip cracking, ate lots of lollies and chocolate, cooked over fires – general meals, roasted marshmellows, potatoes and damper; talked lots and generally had a great time!

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